A special thank you to Dr. Amy Kavanaugh for enlightening us with her Twitter accessibility tips. Share her advice! Everyone has the right to access the same types of content.
Her top tips:
1. If there is text, include it.
2. What stands out to you in the image? A red coat? A skyscraper? A dog? Describe it!
3. Think about context. If it’s a fashion picture tell me about the clothes. If it’s a group photo I don’t need every outfit described.
If you struggle to remember [to add AltText], that’s ok! It’s a habit to get into.
She recommends @AltTxtReminder on Twitter who will message you when you forget!
Remember you can always alt text in a reply! Or add more detail later.
If you’re confused or worried about whether alt text has worked (you can’t always see the alt symbol on your image)
You can tag @get_altText on Twitter.
Source: Blonde Historian